Fruit Plants


Fruit Plants

Mountain Soursop Live Plants (Annona Montana)-Grafted

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Product description

Mountain Soursop/ Annona Montana is a small, evergreen tree with an irregular, spreading crown, native to the West Indies, Peru, and Brazil and cultivated in South America and the Philippines. It closely resembles the soursop and has large, leathery green leaves with a strong odor when crushed, Trees bear after just two to three years.

The fruit is spherical, with yellowish skin covered with prickles- the orange pulp of this fruit is highly aromatic, containing light brown to orange seeds. They are consumed fresh for dessert when fully ripe or mixed with ice cream or milk to make a drink.

Special Feature:

Decoction of the leaves is drunk for its calming effect on the nerves and sedative effect which promotes sleep, treats fever and headache.
Fruit, seeds, bark, leaves, and roots have all been used to treat intestinal parasites, coughs (including asthma and bronchitis), inflammation, diabetes, and hypertension, among many uses


Pulp is eaten fresh in desserts but is used more for juice.
The fruits are consumed fresh for dessert when fully ripe or mixed with ice cream or milk to make a drink. Immature fruits are harvested when the seeds are still soft and are cooked as a vegetable in soups etc.

Common Names: Custard apple, cherimoya, guanabana, soursop, and Brazilian paw.

Botanical Name: Annona Montana

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 3-5 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate

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