Fruit Plants


Fruit Plants

Mooty Fruit Live Plant (Baccaurea Courtallensis)-Grafted

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Product description

Mooty Fruit /Baccaurea Courtallensis is an evergreen tree with a low, round, dense crown, that can grow 15 - 25 metres tall, but is usually smaller. It is endemic to Western Ghats mountains in India is endemic to Western Ghats mountains in India. The flowers are scarlet in colour and dioecious. The inflorescence is in long stalks arranged in clusters growing on the trunk of the tree i.e. cauliflorous. The male inflorescence is clustered all over the trunk. Female inflorescence is clustered mostly at the base of the trunk. The tree is also planted as an ornamental and to provide shade.

The fruit is globose, crimson coloured and ribbed, with a translucent white pulp. The fruit is eaten raw, made into drinks or is sometimes pickled to be served with curries. The pulp varies considerably in its quality, ranging from rather acid to sweet and palatable.

Common Name: Mootty Fruit, Mootapalam. Mootapalam

Botanical Name:  Baccaurea Courtallensis

Bloom Time/Fruiting: 4 to 5 Years

Maintenance Required: Moderate 

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